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Utba23 565

Virtual Fun!

Taupō Debretts Spa Resort won the top award of the Overall Business of the Year at the 2021 Unison Great Lake Taupō Business Awards.

The virtual event was streamed live from the awards website after the recent Covid-19 outbreak foiled the original Gala Dinner awards, which was due to take place on the 20th of August.

The finalists all zoomed in, as their categories were announced by the two MC’s Jules Harvey and Locky McNeil, and simultaneously popped their finalist balloons that had been delivered to them earlier in the day. The balloons were a different touch to try and bring some interactiveness into the evening, and were a great way to announce where each finalist had placed through the colour of confetti that filled the balloon.

Taupō Debretts Spa Resort earlier won the Strettons Excellence in Business – Large Business category and the Taupō District Council Excellence in Environmental Sustainability award, and was then awarded the supreme award is recognition of their overall business excellence.

Other big winners on the night included Freedom Tribe Pilates who won the Tremains Excellence In Business – Micro Business category, and Huka Falls River Cruise who scooped a win in the Quality Print Excellence In Environmental Sustainability as well as being Highly Commended for the More FM Excellence In Community Contribution award.

The entrants were judged by both business academics and industry experts from Hamilton and Tauranga and were scored on written entries, site visits and a mystery shop.  A sell-out crowd of 350 businesspeople and supporters were on hand to celebrate the achievements and successes of all the finalists and the winners on the night.

2021 Winners

The 2021 Unison Great Lake Taupō Business Awards Recipients are:

Tremains Micro Business

Winner – Freedom Tribe Pilates

Highly Commended – Huka Falls River Cruise

Vine Eatery & Bar Small/Medium Business

Winner – Big Brown Paws Doggie Daycare & Grooming

Highly Commended – Spacecraft

Strettons Large Business

Winner – Taupo DeBretts

Highly Commended – Lava Glass

Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology Not For Profit

Winner – Thrive

Highly Commended – Tongariro National Trout Centre

Legend Excellence in Social Media & Marketing

Winner – Landmark Homes

Highly Commended – Spacecraft

Amplify Excellence in Innovation

Winner – Incredible India Restaurant

Highly Commended – Unichem Mainstreet Pharmacy

Taupo District Council Excellence in Environmental Sustainability

Winner – Taupo DeBretts

Highly Commended – Tongariro National Trout Centre

More FM Excellence in Community Contribution

Winner – Total Sport

Highly Commended – The Cozy Corner

Cargill Stent Clarke Lawyers Excellence in Leadership

Winner – Reviva

Highly Commended – Spacecraft

BNZ People’s Choice

Winner – Pure LED

Unison Overall Business of the Year

Winner –  Taupo DeBretts